Wednesday, April 1, 2009

. Binki Woes .

Okay mommies... help me out!
Eli is now two 1/2 and he still HAS TO HAVE his "binki". It is not hindering his ablity to talk... actually he wiill tell you his whole life story if you have time to listen lol. He is only allowed to have it at bedtime... but there lies the problem. He WILL NOT sleep without it. Heaven forbid I actually misplace the thing. He freaks out so bad he just about hyperventilates. Also I have noticed it is starting to create an "open bite" in his teeth, where when he closes his teeth the top and bottom front teeth dont close all the way. Im ready to get rid of this thing!!
So how did you get your kiddos off the "binki habit"??


Angelee said...

Sorry, this is one of the problems Joshua hasn't given us. He never even would take a pacifier. So, my advice... let him bury it in the dirt. That sounds like something a little boy would like to do :)

Hepworth Family said...

I remember someone saying that they were about have another baby and they wanted the toddler off the binki so they had him put all the binkis in a baggie for the new baby. The mom told him that he is a big boy and he needs to give his binkis to the baby because the baby was going to need them. I don't really remember but I think I actually saw this on John and Kate Plus 8...haha.

Dava_Hudson said...

wow... angelee i have never heard of this one. he would get a kick out this. lol

DAVID & ELISSA said...

I had a friend cut the tip of the nipple off and tell her child it was broken, so he didn't want it anymore.

Anonymous said...

The binkie fairy has worked for multiple people that we know...just like the tooth fairy! leave one binkie each night for 3 or so nights and leave a gift to replace the binkie so when he wakes up there is a reward! good luck!!