Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Home Work

So we got new pretty couches with our tax returns this year. When I got home it began to severely bother me that the colors of our living room walls were not going to be very symbiotic with our couches. So I painted. : )
Then when I was done with the painting it bothered me that we did not have ceiling moulding.
Another trip to the Home Depot later that bother-some problem was solved. With a trusty husband to stand on a ladder I now have new ceiling moulding.
Dang, now my carpet looks so dingy compared to my freshly adorned walls.
Time to break out the shampooer.
Am I nesting? No... Im calling it "early spring cleaning"
: )


Kimberly Perkins said...

have you ever read "if you give a moose a muffin" or If you give a mouse a cookie"? cute childrens books, your home work blogg sounds a lot like it.