These past couple of months have been a little tough on Noah. I had been noticing things here and there that suggested that he might not be hearing very well. I was right. I took him to an audiologist and found out he had significant hearing loss. His lack of communication was what brought me to think that this was the case and it was devastating to have it confirmed. He had a quick surgery to inplant tubes in this eardrums that would hopefully repair some of his hearing loss. When we went back to check his hearing again the doctor said he is doing great. Now all I have to do is get a speech thearapist for him. With such a late start, he is having a hard time learning to talk. Hopefully we can get him talking soon. : )

I think between the boys Noah is the more athletic of the two. He has great motor skills and is OBSESSED with sports. The other day we were watching a baseball game of TV and he came into the livving room with a large maraca and a small ball. He was actually hitting it too! So creative huh?

We finally cut his hair. Eric was mad because he wanted to grow his hair out and let him look like a little surfer/rocker kid. but I just thought he looked little a little street urchin. And kinda girly.

Isnt he so stinking CUTE now??? And much cooler for the summer.

He also had a birthday in May! With his severe lactose intolerance it was sortof hard to get together a birthday cake that wouldnt make him sick. But we found a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting that was delicious! Of course it had to be covered in dinosaurs.

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Boy!!