Okay... i know hes not technically two yet but we got his birthday pictures done early. ADORABLE! he just cracks us up with his awesome personality and "cheeky-ness". Heres his goofy face.
I L*O*V*E tummy pictures
Fixin the car... he gets it from his daddy.
So Cute!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Almost 2!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Best Buddy
We got this Toy Story "Woody" doll for Eli last christmas. They are inseparable friends, we've tried telling him his name is Woody, but to Eli he is just Buddy. He has never watched the movie before and has no idea who he actually is, besides his buddy. So the other day we were strolling through walmart and on the shelf was the 10th annversary edition of Toy Story. Eli stopped in his tracks and stood mesmerized by this movie. He looked up at me with this innocent look of confusion and said, "Mommy... Buddy?" So i HAD to buy it so he could watch it finally.
So we get home and i have to cook dinner and remember the movie in in one of the bags. I pop it in and he sits there just amazing.... jumping up and down ScReaMing at the top of his lungs "BUDDY BUDDY BUDDY" and then went to his room to find his "buddy" and make him watch the movie with him.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Eric's Band
Eric has been in one band or another for about 13 years now. Hes been an amazing drummer in his first band, and now hes branched out and hes the guitarist for his band "Draw From the Effect" . They have played alot of shows in Oroville andare now branching out to other towns. Recently they have had the chance to be in a compitition with other bands for a really great oppurtunity. If they win they get $100,000, a recording contract, new equipment, and a NATIONWIDE tour. So far they are the favored band in the competition. They play on October 2nd. Wish us luck!
{Eric with his guitar @ LaSalles in Chico}
{Dewain, Ryan, Corey, & Eric, after a Battle Show, they won!}