Eric has been in one band or another for about 13 years now. Hes been an amazing drummer in his first band, and now hes branched out and hes the guitarist for his band "Draw From the Effect" . They have played alot of shows in Oroville andare now branching out to other towns. Recently they have had the chance to be in a compitition with other bands for a really great oppurtunity. If they win they get $100,000, a recording contract, new equipment, and a NATIONWIDE tour. So far they are the favored band in the competition. They play on October 2nd. Wish us luck!
{Eric before a show}
{Playing at the record release party}
{Eric with his guitar @ LaSalles in Chico}
{Dewain, Ryan, Corey, & Eric, after a Battle Show, they won!}

You'll have to keep us posted on how they do. Good luck! I really like the new bed---we need to get Camry in a new one before this baby comes, but she LOVES her crib & I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on that yet. We'll see.
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