So as some of you know, my husband Eric and his two brothers are adopted. They were adopted by the most loving, self-less, kindhearted individual i have ever met. If you've ever met Laura you know what im talking about. Eric has never really been interested in finding his biological family and we never even remember hes adopted to tell you the truth. I think that becoming a father has made him curious to find out where he comes from and what kind of people his parents turned out to be. The boys did not have a very pleasant childhood and thankfully they were young enough to have very few memories of their traumas. I think the main reason Eric wanted to find them was to tell them that he turned out to be a good guy and to thank them for letting him have the childhood that every child deserves.
Okay back to my point... So about a year ago Eric asked me to go ahead and see if i could find his Biological mother. Laura was great with keeping all of their records and documents well preserved because she always wanted them to know about their pasts. She never kept anything from them. It took me 3 months to find her and when we did she was not very different than she was when she lost the boys. It was like opening a can of worms. Shes one of those people that takes a mile if you give her an inch. After meeting her she calls me the next day to ask if she could have Eli for the night!!!!!!! Mind that she lost ALL 5 OF HER CHILDERN!!! yea, that was a little scary and Eric decided he had had enough of her. We parted on good terms and she left knowing that her kids had grown into resposible adults.
After that incident Eric lost interest for a while until i found some links to his father. Its kinda funny but i found his dad though Myspace.... lol. Eric had cousins that were about the same age and i thought maybe i should look on myspace. Low and behold there they were. We had all but given up and decided he was either in prison or dead, judging by his past behaivior. But after talking to his brother and sister in law, they told us that after loosing the boys and one last stint in prison he had sobered up and started to "act his age". They said he considered looking for the boys but didnt want to take them away from the home and family they had grown to love and know as their own. They gave us his phone number and Eric called him right away. They talked and decided to meet TODAY! His dad lives in Oregon and so they are meeting in Ukiah were their family is getting together for Thanksgiving. The whole family decided to come a day eary just to meet the boys. Laura and I are excited to hear how things are going and glad that he found what he was looking for.
Sorry for being such a long post but i felt i should document this and celebrate a Thankful Thanksgiving.
1 week ago
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