Last night we elected the nation's second president of mixed background. Yes you read that correct, the SECOND. A fact the Obama campaign would like to ignore is that Grover Cleavland had a grandfather who was descended from a slave. That means that he had African blood as well, and was mixed just like Obama. And NO, Barack Obama is not black, he's mixed. His heritage is 50% WHITE and 50% black.
Last night America voted for a man who supports partial birth abortion. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's an abortion where the baby is so developed that the doctors have to CUT A HOLE in the head of the baby, and vacuum out its brain to kill it, before taking the baby out. Barack Obama supports that. He also supports more birth control methods to be accessible to people who are underage without parental consent. He doesn't believe that parents should be able to know what is going on in this children's medical lives if abortion/birth control/ sex is involved.
Last night America elected a man who sat in the pews in front of a reverend who for years spewed out hate speech against whites and against America. He tried to distance himself from this man during the elections, but it doesn't change that this man who spewed hate from his mouth was Obama's "mentor" (his own words) for years. It was only when under national scrutiny that he started to distance himself from Reverend Wright.
Last night America elected a man who has said that he'll meet openly with Terrorists, without any regulations, any rules, any promises of peace or openness on their part. He'll meet with men who attack and disparage America's Allies. He'll meet with people who ignore the UN's orders to stop development of Nuclear weapons at a time when America is constantly under threat from terrorists. The man has not promised protection, he's promised to work with terrorists. How he feels that this will benefit the USA, I'm unsure.
Last night America elected a man who believes in higher taxes for the rich, and for GIVING EXTRA MONEY to the poor. Please do not confuse this. He does NOT believe in lowering taxes for the middle class, he believes in giving them money they didn't earn in the first place. And the funding will not come from the government, it will come from people in America who already pay 50+% of their income to taxes. That's right, the people who he plans to take from are people who only get HALF OF THEIR INCOME now, and he's planning to give it to people who currently KEEP ALL OF THEIR INCOME. Now, rather than calling this WELFARE, he's calling it tax relief.
That's what we've elected, a man named Robin Hood, who plans to steal from the rich and give to the poor that which doesn't belong to him.
Americans had the opportunity to elect a true American Hero. A man who lived in a cell and was tortured for years as a result of his service to America. A man who returned and worked in our government for many years, supporting his nation every way he could.
Instead they elected a man who's spent more of his political career serving his own desires of becoming president than serving the people who elected him. A man who missed HUNDREDS of senate votes so that he could preach about redistribution of the wealth to the poor, and of "change".
I cry for my fellow Americans tonight. I truly don't believe you know what you've gotten us into.
Yesterday, John McCain didn't lose. America lost.
1 week ago
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