So I took Eli to the peditrician today because I thought he was experiancing some seasonal allergies like his father and I both suffer from. Wellll..... come to find out he does have allergies, as well as asthma, exema, AND his 4th ear infection in 6 months.
So that means he gets to go see an Ear, Nose & Throat specialist to have tubes put in his ears.
Grrr. Both of my brothers have had numerous tubes inserted into their eardrums only to have them fall out repeatedly and in the end still end up with 80% hearing loss on one side and 30% loss on the other. Needless to say I am not a fan of "tubes". Plus his consult for the sugery is the day after MY DUE DATE!
That does not sound fun! Sorry!
I found you on A Daily Scoop.
My daughter had repeated ear infections with rounds of antibiotics and then yeast infections. They started prescribing steroids so I switched doctors and tried the homeopathic route. It was amazing! I also took her off milk for a while. I think she was intolerant to it but drinks it now fine. She was just having eczema and so many ear infections when she drank it while young.
The two books that helped tremendously were Healing Childhood Ear Infections and Homeopathic Medicine for Infants and Children. You choose the homeopathic medicine that fits your child's symptoms. In my experience it worked wonders!
The funny thing was, the doctor diagnosed her with a major ear infection so I started giving her the medicine and went to a new doctor 3 days later. The new doctor told me there was no infection, just a little fluid. She said it must not have been infected in the first place. Why do they think something won't work unless it came out a lab?
Good luck, and email me if you want. :)
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