So I haven't been blogging much lately. Theres a reason...
I have no room in my head left for silly tribulations such as blogging,
or getting decently dressed for that matter...
Ive been so ridiculously busy that I havent had the time to post anything.
First we had Eli's birthday party.
Really it was a hit. I made an awesome Dinosaur birthday cake and we had alot of friends and family over. I thought I was getting all of the festivities on film, but I wasnt. There was no memory card in my camera. Yup Im a big fat dummy.
But heres a cute picture of the big 3 year old on his birthday from Grandma's camera.
Next reason my brain has decided to take a hiatus.
We all know about Eli's asthma right?
Well guess who decided to follow in big brother's footsteps and the totally out-do him?
Noah has been diagnosed with severe asthma. Which is pretty bad for a child under the age of 1 year to even be diagnosed. Ugh. We have breathing treatments every 2 hours and oral steroids twice a day. This I can handle. What I cant handle is the medication is making him C.R.A.Z.Y.
He is so fidgety and he just wails all day. Then he dosent sleep. AT ALL. He wakes every hour on the hour. Last night it was every 1/2 hour. IM DEAD.
He actually isnt a great sleeper anyway. With Eli he was sleeping through the night at three months after we decided to let him "cry it out" one night. He cried for 45 minutes and has slept fine ever since. I feel like I cant do this with Noah because of his asthma. Any suggestions??

On a lighter note...
Noah is one of the funniest crawlers Ive ever met. Its like he thought
"Hey whats the hardest most painful way to crawl?"
And that what he does. He gets up on his hands and TIP-TOES and instead of crawling he launches himself forward and lands on his tummy. Really? Yup. But hey its cute right?
oh, I'm so sorry about the memory card. I do have to say, when I was done taking pictures I wanted to review them, but I couldn't get it to show me the pictures. Now I know why. Sorry.
Dava, I am sorry to hear about Noah's and Eli's asthma. My son Jess, who is now 17 had moderate asthma and was diagnosed just after his first birthday. I hope your boys outgrown it like Jess has seemed to. Now he only has an issue when he gets a cold. I laughed when I saw you refer to it as the boys "Dragon" treatment. Jess used to call it "Dragon Part". hope they are better soon and you get some rest. Hang in there.
Cousin Linda
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