When my brothers and I were younger, we'd watch a bunch of Winne the Pooh videos on raining boring afternoons.
I love "Winnie the Pooh and The Blustery Day" because of all the episodes we watched this one had the best narrative... a nice smooth transition from blustery day to blustery/rainy/flooding night full of heffalumps and woozels and the residents of the Hundred Acre Woods trying to get out of the flood to safety. Even now as I am 24 years old when I experience a particularly windy day (much like today) I'll think to myself... "Boy, today is a blustery day!" Which then of course reminds me of those little stuffed animals playing and getting themselves into a tizzy, of Piglet's scarf unraveling and he inadvertently becoming a kite, and how the wind is scary but exhilarating at the same time.
{mental note... find that old vhs tape for my boys to watch on today's "blustery" day}
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