Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Sooo... about 2 weeks ago I let Eli ride in the bottom of the shopping cart {I know, I know horrible parent} So I told him to keep his hands in his lap. 5 minutes later what does he do? Sticks his thumb right into the shopping cart wheel. He listens well doesn't he?
So It was bruised and swollen and we went home and iced and such.
Now... today he comes up to me and says
" Mommy! My thumb can talk now" As he lifts the side of his thumb nail off!!!
Im sorry but that just gives me the Heebie Geebies big time!
What should I do with it? Cut it off? Leave it alone?
Run aways screaming like the little girl I am?????


Jennifer said...

Wait a day or so more and it'll probably just fall off, if you want the truth. That's what happened to mine anyways. Good luck!

Angelee said...

gross. I'd put a bandaid on it so I wouldn't have to look at it.

Dava_Hudson said...

transformer band-aid in place already. lol