I honestly cant believe the sorts of things coming out of my toddler mouth these days. It is "pee your pants" hilarious to find this awesome little sense of humor he is developing. I'm glad that hes going to be a funny guy... that always one of my favorite traits in a man. So here's some of the things Ive been hearing lately.
* Eli blesses our dinner every night and we cant help but watch because its so cute. So the other night he looks up at us and says in a shocked voice, "Mommy! Close your eyes, Daddy! You too!.... Gosh."
*The other night he was have trouble going to bed and was coming up with all these ridiculous things "I need socks on... teddy bear bit me... theres monsters in here." So I asked if he was telling the truth and he says, "No I just don't wanna go to bed now"
*We have an ant problem and the other day Eli comes running into my room saying there was ants, I was busy at the moment so I said "well go watch them" When I go back into his room he is sitting on a stool looking at the ants saying "Hello ants, I'm Elijah, I'm going for a walk, Do you wanna go? Hello? Hello?" turns around "Mommy the ants don't talk to me!"
*Eric recently went back to work after taking some time off for school. This has been hard on Eli. When Eric got home from work Eli walks over with his hands on his hips and says "Finally Daddy! I just missed you SOO much"
* He got a Buzz Lightyear for Christmas this year and he has a laser. So when "Buzz" was shooting me in the foot I said to Eli "That hurts mommy, are we supposed to hurt?" He says "Oh man Buzz, you have to go to time out now" Then puts his doll in the time out chair.
{I just think this is cute. Olive and Eli were eating snacks and had the SAME amount. Only Eli inhaled his and Olive delicately savored hers. He was mad because he thought she had more that he did. Goof Ball}