So as many of you saw in December, Eli got a puppy for Christmas this year. Only to have him stolen from us a month later. We put up posters all over our neighborhood and made reports to the animal control and sherriff's department. We looked and looked and eventually gave up, hoping that he was found by a nice family and was being well taken care of.
A couple of weeks ago we recieved a knock on the door from some neighborhood kids that found a dog and remebered that we had lost our puppy. I was completely astounded. He was gone for almost 4 months only to be found around the CORNER? So we brought him in and had him identified by his microchip in his shoulder. So aparently some little kid around the corner brought him home and his parents decided to let him keep the dog. Even though they KNEW he was ours. Im just a little upset by this.
So, not sure what action to take or to just ignore these RUDE people.

{Our little Puppy all grown up}

{Eli is ecstatic to have his buddy home}


{Eww slobber!}