Hmm... well today is my due date and Noah has made no move. I think he is planning on staying till college. Ive been walking blocks everyday, eating spicy foods, chasing my two year old, and even GARDENING! lol... So what are your tricks for labor inducing?
1 week ago
Hi, Dava!
My boss's daughter was due today and her water JUST broke! She's on her way to the hospital as we speak. When Cherice was due, the midwife told her to do bearing down sort of squats and if that is painful - do it some more, that means it's working!
Love you,
Aunt Maryfaith
Try driving back and forth over railroad tracks! That worked for me a hundred years ago!
Mercedes came on her due date - but it was also a full moon that day. Found out that makes a lot of pregnant women go into labor. Who knew?? So I'd say go howl at the moon and see how that works out for you. Make sure you post pictures of it though :)
I used castor oil for both my kids and it worked both times. It's nasty, but it sent me into labor and my water broke within 12 hours of drinking 4 ounces in orange juice. If you can stand a little bad taste, it may work for you.
Good luck, we are praying for you.
Hello, my name is Rexanne McMullin. You don't now me, but i am a friend of Kaylee's. My dad had my mom out throwing wood to get her staried.. try some thing like that.
I think every 9 month pregnant women wants to know how to get things moving. Good luck figuring out the trick. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Hi! found your blog from "daily scoop". Sorry for blog stalking. I just had a baby and I used castor oil to induce my labor. lol! I was desperate! They sell a tastless oderless kind at walmart. I drank 1/2 in oj, then the other 1/2 a few hours later. I started contractions at 9pm and had my baby at 12:57am. A nice four hour labor, not bad!
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