Its amazing to me how completely different two children can be.
With Eli we never had a problem getting him to sleep. He took multiple naps and went to bed on his own. He even slept through the night at 4 months.
All he ever needed was his crib and binkie...
Not Noah.
He despises binkies.
He takes very short naps, wakes frequently through the night and is just exhausting to get to sleep. If I try to let him cry it out he will Cry and Cry and CRY!
for hours.
He will not fall asleep on his own. I usually end up nursing him to sleep and he ends up over-eating and making himself sick.
I need some ideas. I need some sleep!!
What were your bedtime tricks?
One thing that worked for Mercedes is that we would gradually help her fall asleep on her own. The first night we would let her cry for 5 min then go check. Then let her cry for 8 min then check. Then 15 min and check. Then get her to sleep however. When we checked we tried not to give loves or talk to her or anything so she knew it wasn't a happy visit-she's supposed to be sleeping. We'd do that for a couple of nights. Then we would switch the first check to 10 min, second check at 15 etc. After a couple of nights or a week or so of that we switched to longer-first check at 15 min, etc. It kinda gradually got her to figure out how to do it herself. I hope that helps! I know that one thing works for one baby and not the next so good luck in whatever you try!!!
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