Monday, November 1, 2010

Eli's Post

There are still days that he drives me bonkers, but for the most part I think this guy has turned a new leaf recently.

~He is more helpful, holding his brother's hand because Mommy has her hands full with Avery. ~He is more affectionate, when he doesn't think I'm looking he is SO sweet to Avery; rubbing her head and saying she has the "cutest little cheekies"
~He is keeping his room surprisingly clean. I think he has figured out that its easier to clean it before it becomes a disaster zone. lol.
He really is excelling in Preschool. I thought he would be the "class clown". Actually hes VERY good. I almost didn't believe he was the same child the first time I stayed for a parent work day. The sad thing is that he has become too old for hugs and kisses in front of his pals. I got a serious glare when I loudly called him "baby" across the playground *cringe*. I cant help it!!! Hes still my baby to me. I still can believe hes going to be four this month.