Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My Baby Is Growing Up!!
Just so you are warned...
I had a hard time picking my fav pictures.
That means there are A LOT of them in this post... Hehehe.
Eli LOVES loves LOVES superheros. So we decided to rock the superhero theme this year. Im glad he still thinks my home made things are cool, because I really hate the commercial superhero junk. Im pretty sure I have a couple of years before my home made fun is considered too dorky for him : )
Awesome comic/hero themed cupcakes!
Super E & Uncle Incredible!
{my little brother Garrett}
The Wonder Twins!
{Olivia & Maddy)
He got a Bat Cave from Mommy & Daddy
I think he approves.
Then we headed over to the playground and had some more fun.
The Maditron!
The Oliviator!
They thought it was neat that the capes flew when they were swinging.
And after all his friends were gone he sat
and enjoyed his fun new gifts.
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Avery's Post
This girl could make icebergs melt. Avery is so cheery and happy. She has brought that certain girly cuteness to our family and rounded it out perfectly. She is such a content baby. Her favorite activites include; laying on the floor watching her crazy brothers run around her, "talking" to her Daddy, rolling allllll over the house, and just smiling. : ) Her smile is so cute. Its one of those big cheeky grins that collapses her whole face.
Caution: You could potentially get lost in these blue-violet pools.
Here she is on her Blessing day. Grandma Laura made her gown and it was gorgeous. Grandma is just happy to have a little girl now that she can dress up. Its funny how she cant resist buying cutie little outfits when she sees them. It takes some serious will power to pass up tu-tus and flowery headbands!
Noah's Post
Talk already kid! If I could just get thins little guy talking I think we could cut the hours of crying back from 10 to 1. Just kidding, but sometimes it feels like thats how much time he spends crying. Over what you ask? Well it could be because someone opened the front door. Not left, just opened the door. Or it could be that I walked into the kitchen and returned without some form of food for him. Hmmm....
He is by far my whiniest child, but he also my snuggly-est. He has also decided that HE is Avery's parent. Its cute at first until I catch him doing things like shoving the Nose Syringe down her little nostril, or "feeding" her by ramming a FORK into her mouth. Oh he scares me sometimes. Ave is a pretty good sport about it though.
Right now he has a cold. Ugh this kid catches EVERYTHING! His little immune system SUCKS! I wish I could just put him in a disinfectant bubble. : ) I can dream cant I??
Update! He has decided to say "baby". He sits and cuddles Ave saying "Ohhhh Baaabyyyy" Its quite cute. : )
Eli's Post
There are still days that he drives me bonkers, but for the most part I think this guy has turned a new leaf recently.
~He is more helpful, holding his brother's hand because Mommy has her hands full with Avery. ~He is more affectionate, when he doesn't think I'm looking he is SO sweet to Avery; rubbing her head and saying she has the "cutest little cheekies"
~He is keeping his room surprisingly clean. I think he has figured out that its easier to clean it before it becomes a disaster zone. lol.
He really is excelling in Preschool. I thought he would be the "class clown". Actually hes VERY good. I almost didn't believe he was the same child the first time I stayed for a parent work day. The sad thing is that he has become too old for hugs and kisses in front of his pals. I got a serious glare when I loudly called him "baby" across the playground *cringe*. I cant help it!!! Hes still my baby to me. I still can believe hes going to be four this month.
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